Practical Trusted Execution of Mixed-Criticality Code

Tom Van Eyck

DistriNet - KU Leuven, Belgium

Hamdi Trimech

DistriNet - KU Leuven, Belgium

Sam Michiels

DistriNet - KU Leuven, Belgium

Danny Hughes

DistriNet - KU Leuven, Belgium

Majid Salehi

Nokia Bell Labs, Antwerp, Belgium

Hassaan Janjua

DistriNet - KU Leuven, Belgium

Thanh-Liem Ta

Polytech Sorbonne, Paris, France


December 14, 2023


Industry 4.0 is increasingly using commodity hardware and software in place of dedicated control systems to lower costs and increase flexibility. However, this means that critical control code must compete for resources with an increasingly complex software stack that exposes a new attack surface. The Mixed Criticality Trusted Execution Environment (Mr-TEE) tackles this problem at its root, by delivering availability for safety-critical control code, while running untrusted applications in a minimally modified Linux stack. This is achieved by providing a real-time scheduler and novel peripheral sharing system in the Secure World. Mr-TEE hence provides the best of both worlds for Industry 4.0 developers, ensuring the trusted execution of time-sensitive control applications, while minimizing design effort and restrictions for untrusted applications. Evaluation on an Arm TrustZone-enabled Cortex MCU demonstrates a worst-case overhead of 1.88% to support real-time scheduling in the TEE.

This is the documentation for Mr-TEE, presented in the paper “Mr-TEE: Practical Trusted Execution of Mixed-Criticality Code”. It explains the details of a TEE implementation that provides hardware isolation and real-time execution of safety-critical applications for Cyber-Physical systems, while transparantly sharing peripherals with little developer overhead.

Mr-TEE has also been presented at FOSDEM 2023: “Keeping safety-critical programs alive when Linux isn’t able to”.


With the support of VLAIO via the ICON-TACOS and ICON-TRUSTI projects.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101020416.


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