

This guide is based on a clean Ubuntu 20.04 installation in a VM. It should be possible to repeat the results on any Linux distribution and any hypervisor platform, as long as the required packages are available.

At least 60GiB (estimate) free disk space is required. If the disk is not large enough and the build process is started, the disk will fill, possibly leading to system crashes.


We use Buildroot as the build system for the i.MX6. The required packages need to be installed by executing:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install which sed make binutils build-essential diffutils gcc g++ \
         bash patch gzip bzip2 perl tar cpio unzip rsync file bc findutils \
         wget python ncurses5 git 

Some optional packages are also available, see the Buildroot Documentation for more information.

We will install a Buildroot environment on the next page.